Beef Stew with Potatoes and Mushrooms


The name ‘stew’ is said to come from the old French word estuier, meaning to enclose.

Stews are found in all of the world's cuisines, and therefore there are as many different versions of them - soupy, thick, with potatoes, pasta, with meat, fish or vegan, the possibilities of this meal are endless.

If you check Wikipedia, you will see a list of around a 100 traditional stews around the world, each one different in ingredients and method of cooking.

Stews have been popular for a very long time. There are recipes for lamb and fish stews found in “Apicius de re Coquinaria”, a cookbook compiled by a Romans in approximately 5th century AD.

Although not always the prettiest and most attractive dinner, a bowl of warm, hearty stew is always a welcome sight on a cold day.

On olive oil saute minced garlic and peppers for a few minutes, and then add in diced beef and bay leaves.

Brown for about 3 minutes, season with salt and pepper, then pour in the stock and cook for about an hour, until meat becomes tender.

Add diced potatoes, mushrooms, parsley, tomato paste. Simmer for another 10 minutes until the potatoes are fully cooked, and add additional seasoning if needed.

Beef Stew with Potatoes and Mushrooms

Beef Stew with Potatoes and Mushrooms

Yield: 2



  1. On olive oil saute minced garlic and peppers for a few minutes, and then add in diced beef and bay leaves.
  2. Brown for about 3 minutes, season with salt and pepper, then pour in the stock and cook for about an hour, until meat becomes tender.
  3. Add diced potatoes, mushrooms, parsley, tomato paste. Simmer for another 10 minutes until the potatoes are fully cooked, and add additional seasoning if needed.

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